Booth size / Price (tax inc.)

出展ブースのサイズ / 値段(税込)

S / Hブース
屋内 Indoor


There are 4 booth sizes. The backs of booths H, M and L are walls which works can be hung.
If you do not need a back wall for M or L booths, please contact us when applying.
Rates listed are for one day.

Sブース Booth : 900 × 1800mm ¥13,200-

Hブース Booth : 900 × 1800mm ¥15,400-

Mブース Booth : 1800 × 1800mm ¥23,100-

Lブース Booth : 1800 × 3600mm ¥46,200-

シアター Theater(映像 Video)40分min. ¥11,000-


Video should be no longer than 40 min. per application.
Film screenings are not available. Please send us a DVD till two weeks before the event day.

屋外 Outdoor


Outdoor plaza / the front entrance of the building.
Performance exhibit is limited to 40 min. per application (including preparation/tidying up).

パフォーマンス Performance 40分min. ¥11,000-

フードエリア Food Area FSブース Booth : 2000 × 2000mm ¥13,200-

フードエリア Food Area FLブースBooth : 2700 × 3600mm ¥23,100-


Cooking at the venue is prohibited. Please pre-package and affix food labeling label on them.
Food exhibits / sales are also available at the indoor booths.
Rates listed are for one day.

Rental Equipment / Price (tax inc.)

レンタル備品 / 値段(税込)

デスク Desk 2種類 2 Types ¥1,650

デスク Desk A : 600 × 1500 × 700mm

デスク Desk B : 450 × 1800 × 700mm


・Please indicate how many and which type.
・Desks must be placed inside your booth.
・The desk should be covered with a cloth.
・If desk B is placed in front of booths S and H, it will be hard to get in and out of the booths.

イス Chair ¥660
テント Shelter Tent (フードエリア for Food Area)

S : 2000 × 2000mm ¥8,800

L : 2700 × 3600mm ¥11,000

展示用格子パネル Grid Panel ¥4,950

W900 × H1800mm(金属製 Metal)


・Load capacity is 30kg. Please be careful not to let the panel fall over.
・Tell the exhibitor behind the panel when you set it up.
・The panel must be placed inside your booth.

追加出展者パス Additional exhibitor Pass

¥550 / 枚 Qty.


Exhibitor passes will be given per booth: S2, M 4, L 6



  • 出展申込 Apply
    • 申し込み受付は先着順になります。ブース位置の選択はできません。
    • 複数ブース申込み(隣接のみ)は各ブース毎にお申込みいただき、フォーム備考欄にブース数 / 前後どちらでの隣接をご希望かご記入下さい。お申し込み状況により隣接が難しい場合がございます。
    • パフォーマンス出演(音量の大きな出演はできません、屋外パフォーマンススクエアのみ)と映像上映(複数回上映)は40分以内 / 1出展となります。
    • 食品展示販売は、温度管理不要、食品営業許可のある施設にて作られたもので、包装され食品表示ラベル添付のあるもののみです。屋内ブース、または屋外パフォーマンススクエアでのご出展となります。
    • Applications will be accepted on a first-come / first-served basis. Booth locations are not selectable.
    • One application per booth. Applying for several booths (adjacent booths only), please fill out the form for each booths. Also, please indicate in the Notes your request for left/right or back-to-back and how many of booths. Please note that it may not be possible depending on your request.
    • Performance appearances (loud performances are not allowed, only in the outdoor Performance Squares) and video screenings (multiple screenings) are 40 minutes or less.
    • Food products may only be sold that manufactured in a facility with a food business license, packaged and have a food label attached. Items requiring temperature control can not be sold. (Indoor booths or in the outdoor Performance square)
  • ご入金、申込み完了 Payment / Application Completed


    After confirming receipt of your application, we will send you an "Exhibitor Fee Information" by e-mail in due course.

  • ブースナンバーのお知らせ Notice of your Booth Number
    • イベント開催約2週間前にブースナンバーを発表いたします。また、メールにて出展時の注意事項、会場規約などの連絡をさし上げます。
    • 出展者パスは、開催会場にて当日の受け渡しとなります。
    • Booth numbers will be announced 2 weeks before the event on the official blog of START! We will also send you by e-mail of exhibiting notice, venue rules, etc.
    • Exhibitor Pass will be given on the day of the event at the venue.
  • イベント開催当日 The day of “START!”